Frequently Asked Question

The network is not working
Last Updated 10 months ago

Contact the Technology Committee in the event of a critical technological problem. Network outages can be emergencies as they will bring down both the phones and alerting.

Note that alerting systems have radio backups for network outages which will function seamlessly. There is a backup internet connection for the phones which is less seamless.

Do not unplug and replug random appliances in the server room unless instructed to do so by a member of the Technology Committee.

In case of emergency, follow the Technology Committee phone tree (full version available in the 107 manual)

  1. Technology Committee Chair

  2. Assistant Chief

  3. Technology Committee Members

  4. Division Chief of Building and Fleet

Identify if the issue is with:

  1. WiFi (the wireless radio network your phone uses; can your phone join CARS-Wireless, or does CARS-Wireless show an error?)
    • Open a ticket, this is not an emergency. Charting will have to be done on the mailroom computer and door access permissions cannot be updated, but no critical failure will occur

  2. The Local Area Network (LAN; do wired computers, like the mailroom one, report they have no connection to the internet, even though they are plugged in?)
    • Alerting, faxing, and phones will be down; this is an emergency

  3. The Wide Area Network (connection to the outside internet or WAN; do wired computers say they have a connection, but you can’t reach anything on the public internet? Try to go to and and report if one or both of those work)
    • If works but does not, the WAN connection works but there is a problem with how we resolve names on the internet, report “DNS outage” to Technology via a ticket

    • If neither works, alerting and phones will be down, this is an emergency

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